Sign up

The secure way
to send & receive money

With easy-to-use online wallet Lemmpay you may open up your business to more opportunities today.

sign up screen
transactions sreen
dashboard screen

Registration in just a few steps

The only thing you need to do is enter your data in the registration form. If you fulfill the email and passwords correctly and you are over 18 years old, so you may consider your registration is successful and you will get the confirmation on your email soon. If you are under 18 years old, please, don’t feel upset and come again soon :)

Account to talk about

The Lemmpay account is pretty simple to get comfortable with. It has only functions you need such as the ability to add money to your wallet, send money to other wallets, and check transaction history and the flow of your funds move with date, amount of money, etc.

Send funds in 2 clicks

Add money to your wallet is very easy. Just fulfill the field with the desired amount and click the appropriate button. The funds are almost in your wallet. To send money to other online wallets you need also to indicate the receiver wallet ID.



At the touch of a button, our dashboard displays everything you may need to use. Check transaction information, view transaction history, and maintain your personal data: your security is our top priority.


You may use the Lemmpay wallet wherever you are and at any place. It gives you ability to send money all around the globe and your recipient will receive the payment without complications and delays.


To allow quick and safe money transfers to and from other users, we use the most up-to-date security and fraud protection technology. Your financial and personal information is never exchanged with others.

Contact us

    Get in touch with us:

    [email protected]


    online support



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